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July, 28th 2022 Background-aware swiper pagination Some parts of user interface are not background aware, however are meant to be. It’s especially noticeable when working with user-generated content that is different in colors, exposure and size. Take..
March, 31st 2022 Tree-shaking Vuex State in Nuxt Document response The way Nuxt delivers state data from server to client can play a bad joke with your loading performance. All of your Vuex state data on the server will be printed in the response Document as JS objec..
February, 23rd 2022 Better DOM Debugging With Component Name in HTML Attribute Sometimes the key of keeping great DX is in tiny details. Debugging markup of modern frontend might be very scary these days. With atomic CSS classes getting trendy, the DOM in devtools becomes harder..
June, 5th 2021 Styling Variative Vue.js Components with TailwindCSS Using TailwindCSS to style Vue.js components may become complicated if you styles depend on the props. It is especially relevant for components of your design system: Buttons, Form Inputs, etc...
September, 21st 2020 Managing Line-breaks in Web Typography Good typography and copy requires a line-break management. Especially when the project you're working on is a multilingual website of 11 languages. ..
March, 20th 2018 Using mobile hotspot with mobile operator that restricts tethering Mobile operators with unlimited traffic plans often limit the ability to use your phone as a mobile hotspot. I'll talk about some methods and caveats of staying unrecognized when using tethering mode ..
February, 7th 2018 CSS :not pseudo-class together with :hover usage Recently at, I saw a quite common example of :hover behavior in a row of blocks. When user hovers one of the blocks, dim all but hovered one. That was implemented in JS and reminded me t..
January, 16th 2018 Disabling code-splitting in Preact CLI default template Some small and light projects do not need code splitting at all. Moreover sometimes code-splitting may lead to unwanted behavior on low speed connection or no connection at all...